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Adding A Virtual Tour On The Matrix

•  Input

•  Select Listing

•  Select Form

•  Attached

•  Remarks / URL Links

•  Insert Link Under Virtual Tour

•  Submit Listing

•  Click on MLS #

•  You should now see the film reel icon on top 

Adding videos to Facebook

Although you can just add your YouTube or VIMEO link to your post, the video will not autoplay. You will reach more people with videos that automatically play when your audience scrolls through their feeds. You can do this by adding the mp4 that we sent you directly to your post. 


- Sign in to Facebook

- Click on post

- Click on 'Add video to your post'

- Select video from your computer and click open

- Be sure to add your contact information - call to action

- If it is a Matterport teaser video, be sure to add a direct link of your Matterport tour from your website in order to drive your audience there to explore the tour and your website. ( Hint: This will also help with your search engine optimization and google rankings! )


Remember: The fewer barriers between your content and your audience, the higher your engagement. 

Sharing Your Matterport Space To Facebook

You can easily embed your tour to Facebook by taking the following steps:


- Login to Facebook

- Select and copy your Matterport URL link 

- Select write post on your Facebook page

- Paste your Matterport URL link for your space on the post 

- Once the 3D tour appears in the window, you can delete your URL link so that only your tour is visible.  

Downloading Files From Dropbox Link

- Click on link provided in email

- New window will open to dropbox file > Click 'Direct Download' on top right corner of page

- Open downloaded file and save to your computer 

Adding Your Teaser Video To Your YouTube Channel

- Sign in to your YouTube Channel

- Click on Upload Arrow on top right corner of your youtube profile page

- Drag and drop video file onto select files window or manually select file

- Fill out basic info - Change video name, add description (be sure to add mls listing, property details, your website and contact information to make potential clients easier to find you and contact you), add tag words for the video to show up in search engines, choose a thumbnail image (default image shown on screen before playing video), choose if video will be private, public etc 

- Once you are finished filling out your information and the file has finished downloading, click 'Publish' on top right corner 

Adding Your Teaser Video To Instagram

- Posting on Instagram cannot be done on your desktop, you must post from a mobile device.

- Save your mp4 video to your mobile device (you can do so a number of ways - add video to google drive and email it to yourself or add to your dropbox and access from the mobile app)

- On google drive - Open video file, click on '•••' symbol on top right corner and click on 'Send a copy', select 'Save Video'

- On dropbox - Open dropbox app on your mobile device, open video and click on '•••' symbol, 'Export' 

- Videos will appear in your 'Photos' app under 'Videos'

- Open your Instagram app

- Select Video from your library

- Click on scissor symbol at the top of the page to select the clip you want shown - Videos can only be 60 seconds long on Instagram so your video will be cut short

- Click on the video image on the bottom left corner and slide to where you would like the 1 minute footage to begin and end

- Click on 'Done' on the top right corner

- Click on screen symbol next to the scissor symbol to choose the cover frame you would like as a default image when the video isn't playing

- Click on 'Next' on the top right corner 

- Fill out desired post information and click 'Share' on top right corner (Be sure to provide an MLS number and mention to your audience that they can watch the full video and experience a fully immersive 3D walk-through on MLS or your website to send traffic to your listing.  

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